Basierend auf diesem MSDN Artikel habe ich eine Klasse geschrieben die wie File.Copy(source, target); funktioniert, jedoch bei wechselnder Endung eine Konvertierung vornimmt.
namespace ImageConversion { using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; public class ImageConverter { /// /// Copies file from source to destination. If target path has different ending it converts the file. /// ///Existing source file with original ending and filetype. ///Non existing target file with same or different ending. public static void Convert(string source, string target) { string sourceExtension = Path.GetExtension(source).ToLower(); string targetExtension = Path.GetExtension(target).ToLower(); if (sourceExtension == targetExtension) { //no conversion neccessary, just copy File.Copy(source, target); return; } // Load the image. Image image = Image.FromFile(source); if(targetExtension.Equals(".jpg") || targetExtension.Equals(".jpeg")) { // Save the image in JPEG format. image.Save(target, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } else if (targetExtension.Equals(".gif")) { // Save the image in GIF format. image.Save(target, ImageFormat.Gif); } else if (targetExtension.Equals(".png")) { // Save the image in PNG format. image.Save(target, ImageFormat.Png); } else if (targetExtension.Equals(".bmp")) { // Save the image in PNG format. image.Save(target, ImageFormat.Bmp); } else if (targetExtension.Equals(".tiff")) { // Save the image in PNG format. image.Save(target, ImageFormat.Tiff); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown target file type!"); } } } }
ImageConverter.Convert(sourcePath, targetPath);
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